General Ministries

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,. Matthew 28:18 

Board of Directors
Country's / State & Regional 

 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the  age.
"Matthew 28"19-20 
Ministers eligible to serve 2020-2025

"A Global Vision 

The Church of the Mission Evangelique International is a Christian church in regards to his faith, his Holiness and his background. Founded 1997, the denomination is now home to about 6000 members worshiping in more than 3 countries specially in the Caribbean.

Country's / State & Regional 

General Overseer Rev. Bishop, Josue Paul. Mirebalais, Haiti 

Apostle Josué Paul, General Chairman Haiti
Dr. Vladimir Nicolas, Chairman USA 

General Administrative Secretary 

Rev. Sergot Benjamin 
Rev. Polynice Sauveur , Assistant Gen. Sec.
Ms. Emilio Belfort, Clerck 

Youth & Christian Education Board 

State Council Commission/ Regional 

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Evangelism & Home Mission Board 

Evangelist. Luckny Joseph. Dom. Rep.

Find out more and be part of the our Ministry team. 

Administrative Office,  
Orlando FL.

407-334-6564 // 407-505-1132 

General Adminstrative Secretary 
Headquarters, Mirebalais, Haiti 

 509-43262671 // 407-256-0931

Friendly support

Our support team is here to ensure that things runs smoothly. You’ll always find the help you need. 

Office of Evangelism & Home Mission Department 

Watch your profits increase and your value rise as you boost efficiency. It’s easier than you think. 
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